2^(x+3)=7 I'm not even sure where to begin..

let me try:


you want to take the logarithm of both sides (you can learn more about logarithms at https://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra/logarithms-tutorial/logarithm_basics/v/logarithms

log(2^(x+3)) = log(7)

(x+3)*log(2) = log(7) (for any numbers b and c: log(b^c) = c * log(b) )

x+3 = log(7)/log(2)

x= log(7)/log(2)-3

x= ?0.192645 (approx)

You can check your answer using @ in the calculator:

2^(x+3)=7 @ log(7)/log(2)-3
